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DUDA delivers resources to coaches through five Google Classrooms.


If you are a DISD coach who needs to be added to our classrooms, please reach out to


These classrooms are where you can find all resources for the school year: Starter Files, instructional materials, games and activities, Tabroom registration information, lesson plans, and more!



The following resources are offered: 

  • Policy Debate Starter Files - compiled evidence about this year's topic for students to use while building their speeches / at DUDA events. You can find Starter Files in this year’s Google Classrooms. Reach out to if you need to be added, or if you’d like a copy of the files sent directly to you.

  • World Schools Classroom - teaching resources for World Schools Debate including videos and practice motions

  • Community Action Debate - resources for our new format

  • UIL Resources- resources for each UIL HS speech and debate event

  • Judge Training Resources - materials to help judges prepare for tournaments

  • Updated coach manual & competition rule book - with best practices / instructions for technical aspects of coaching such as tournament registration and a recruitment packet




NAUDL Curriculum & Activities


Dallas Urban Debate currently partners with the National Association of Urban Debate Leagues to provide curricular resources for coaches through a program known as "Teach Debate." 


Teach Debate is a compiled library of instructional resources and coaching best practices. There is a fully sequenced Novice Debate course curriculum, as well as an array of coach-submitted lessons on a variety of debate topics.


Coaches are strongly encouraged to add their own submissions to the resource library. You can also credit your submissions towards your DTR application under "contributions to profession," as you are sharing lessons to a nationally-syndicated resource for urban school districts. If interested, contact DUDA for information on how to do so. 


To access the Teach Debate Lesson Plan Library, click the link above or visit Click the link titled "Log in to Teach Debate" on the top-right corner of the page. You will be prompted to register, and once your account is approved, you will be able to access the resource library.





There are a variety of debate instructional videos available online. As you navigate these resources, please keep in mind that there are many philosophies about coaching and debate best practices. 


We particularly recommend checking out the resources produced by these channels:




2020 and Before

Past Resource Archive ("Coach Dropbox")


You can still access resources from 2020 via this Google Drive folder!


While not as neatly packaged as Teach Debate, the DUDA Coach Resource Archive is a compilation of resources offered to coaches over the past several years. 


This Dropbox folder contains electronic copies of:

  • freely sourced debate textbooks

  • full curricula donated by successful debate programs from across the country,

  • miscellaneous forms and administrative documents,

  • an array of best practices and how-to's, covering topics such as recruitment, team culture building, how to institutionalize your program by promoting it to administrators, and a "first semester of coaching" play by play checklist


You can access it by clicking the link above or visiting There is no requirement to create an account. 


There are also resources produced last year that haven't yet been integrated to the Dropbox. These can be accessed at: 



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